Videos and QR Codes in the Library


YouTube and Videos

After viewing numerous videos on two particular youtube channels, here are some that I found to be helpful or ones that students would enjoy.  Videos in the library have many benefits.  

Video most helpful to students

This type of video would be great for students trying to learn more about a certain book.  The librarian could make videos about new books or good books that are not circulated enough.  

Video students would like
Students love a good paradoy.  Especially when talking about something so mundane as turning in overdue books.  I think each year the librarian could pick a popular song, and create something catchy that will get the students attention.  

Video Helpful to Students
These types of videos help students decide what classes they might be interested in.  It helps them to know who teaches the course and what to expect.  Then they can decide if this class is the right fit for them.  Librarians could help teachers create these videos and facilitate this process.  

Video students would like
Students will like this video because it shows what is happening in the library.  It is nice to see students doing more than just reading in the library.  It is a place for research, homework, reading, fun, etc.  

How can I use video to promote the library?
Videos are a great way to highlight important events in the library.  I like how one of the videos above showcased what students were doing in the library.  Librarians can also make book review vidoes or even have students make them after finishing books.  

Interested in Making Book Trailers?  

While this process can certainly seem overwhelming, FEAR NOT, the process is actually easy if you try ANIMOTO.  They have a book trailer template that you can edit, and it makes it super simple.  The free version does not offer as many photos or videos, so I recommend upgrading.  You can upgrade for one month, but if you plan on making book trailers throughout the year, I would upgrade for the whole year to save money.  It has a step by step process for making your first video.  If you use the template, you can just edit each slide which makes it seem like a less dauting process.  You can choose different music templates from dramatic, intense, calm, etc.  There are ready made videos, pictures, and stock art you can insert.  You can easily drag it into the slide.  It is that simple.  Now remember, this is my first book trailer.  I think the more I use this website, the better my videos will get.  

The Hate U Give 

Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed.

Soon afterward, his death is a national headline. Some are calling him a thug, maybe even a drug dealer and a gangbanger. Protesters are taking to the streets in Khalil’s name. Some cops and the local drug lord try to intimidate Starr and her family. What everyone wants to know is: what really went down that night? And the only person alive who can answer that is Starr.

But what Starr does—or does not—say could upend her community. It could also endanger her life.

Please scan this QR code to access my book trailer for the Hate U Give

What is a QR Code and how can I use them in the library?

QR stands for quick response.  It is a barcode that you can scan that will take you to another digital destination.  QR codes are great to use in the library.  The librarian could set up a new display of books.  For each book displayed, there could be a QR code that students could scan to see book trailers.  This could help them decide if they want to read the book.  

QR codes could also be made to send the student to check out different digital tools.  

QR codes could be used in the library to vote on their favorite book selections.  

QR codes could be used to send the students to a padlet where they respond to a question and everyone can see their responses.  


Miller, Andrew. (2011) Twelve Ideas for Teaching with QR Codes.   



  1. I like how you embedded your videos instead of placing links. While I was creating mine that did not even cross my mind. I think this is more "eye-catching" than inserting links when it comes to videos. This is a great example of why looking at other people's blogs help's one learn! I did not know that you could like to Padlet, so that is good to know as well. Thank you for your post!

  2. I giggled so much at the "Hotline Overdue Book" video, those students were having so much fun helping make that video for sure! Your blogs are very engaging to the reader. I love that you changed your font style and color to make the focal point of "Fear Not" on making a video trailer. I will have to keep that in mind when writing blogs myself. I absolutely loved reading "The Hate You Give" a few years ago and your video trailer makes me want to read it again. Very captivating!


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