Programming Ideas Quick 1

Daily Instructional Lesson Plan Grade: 

1st/2nd grade 
Lesson Topic: Saving Our Planet 
Teacher: Ashley Laake 
Materials: We are Water Protectors book, chart paper, markers 

 Lesson Objective: AASL Standard Framework for Learners III D 1 Actively contributing to group discussions. 

Activity: Hook: (1 minute) How many gallons does the average person use to take a shower? (17 gallons) This is based on an 8 minute shower. 

 Librarian will do a read aloud: Today, we are going to read a book called We are Water Protectors by Michaela Goade. As we read, think about how you would describe the girl in the book. (10 min.) Librarian will read aloud. 

 Discussion/Active Engagement: Turn and talk: (2 min.) How would you describe the girl in the book? 

 The librarian will tie it back to the hook. How do you think we could save water if the average person uses 17 gallons of water during a shower. (student share) 

 Independent Practice: With your group, brainstorm 3 ways we can save water each day. Write it down on the chart paper. Pick one idea to share and illustrate it on your chart paper. (10 min.) 
 Whole class share out (5-8 min.) 

 Closing: When you are at school or at home, notice all the different ways that water is wasted. Think about ways that you can help with this problem. (1 min.) 

 Students can use the remainder of the class to check out books.
