Literary Landscapes: Murals

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    Celebrate Reading through a Mural

3 day project


  • Plan to meet with the reading department to tell them about mural project

  • Make a list of materials needed


  • Librarian will promote this activity with reading classes


  • Gather materials: butcher paper, paint brushes and other art supplies, plastic table covers or newspaper to cover the floor

  • Copy of examples to put on each table

  • Cover the floor and tables prior to starting the project


  • Hook: Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a world where anything is possible. You can travel to exotic places, talk to animals, or even fly.  This is what reading will do for you.  

  • Today, we are going to create a library mural that will showcase the joy of reading.  Encourage students to use images of books, authors, and literary quotes.

  • I will show each library class different examples of murals.  

  • The class will have 1 day to brainstorm and begin painting.  Then they will have 2 days to finish their artwork. 

  • Divide the class into small groups (groups of 4 would be ideal)

  • Provide the students with materials such as paint, brushes, and other art supplies, and have them work together to create a design that represents a love of reading

  • Once all the murals are complete, hang some in the library and others around the school. 

  • Encourage teachers and students to come look at the murals in the library. 


Best murals will be hung in the library and posted on the website and social media page.

Examples to show students: 
