
Showing posts from April, 2023

Turn the Page Reading Program

  Turn the Page Reading Program 5th and 6th Grade October Planning  Create an agenda for each month Figure out point system Pick several book awards lists to review. Choose one for this program, and others to explore at literacy night Promotions:  Create flier (see below), Advertise on school website and the school news program (if available) Preparations:  Print out reading logs Print out Bluebonnet award list Create booktalks Create a book display of the books on the award list Start emailing authors for the February skype event Print out calendar of monthly events Procedures:  Have reading teachers bring their classes to the library.  (Can do one class at a time or several classes) Welcome students and introduce the Turn the Page Reading Program Give an overview of the program, including how long it will last, the number of monthly activities, and the celebration at the end Activity 1: Details Provide each student with a copy of a reading log and go over...