Turn the Page Reading Program
5th and 6th Grade
Planning Create an agenda for each month Figure out point system Pick several book awards lists to review. Choose one for this program, and others to explore at literacy night
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Preparations: Print out reading logs Print out Bluebonnet award list Create booktalks Create a book display of the books on the award list Start emailing authors for the February skype event Print out calendar of monthly events
Procedures: Have reading teachers bring their classes to the library. (Can do one class at a time or several classes) Welcome students and introduce the Turn the Page Reading Program Give an overview of the program, including how long it will last, the number of monthly activities, and the celebration at the end
Activity 1: Details Provide each student with a copy of a reading log and go over the program details. Explain how the reading log works and how students can earn points for reading books. Show the students the 2023 Bluebonnet Award list that will be used for this year’s reading program Explain the monthly activities and encourage students to participate
Activity 2: Book Talk Choose (5) books from the Bluebonnet List. Give a brief book talk on each of these books and ask students if they have ever read them before. Encourage students to share their thoughts on the book and ask questions. Give students time to browse the list of books. Put these books out on display.
Conclusion: Remind students of the details of the program. Give them a calendar of the monthly activities. Encourage students to start reading and logging their books.
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Sample reading log:
Title of Book: ________________________________
Author: ________________________________
Date Started: ________________________________
Date Finished: ________________________________
Number of Pages: ________________________________
Plot Summary (in a few sentences): ________________________________
Favorite Part of the Book: ________________________________
Least Favorite Part of the Book: ________________________________
New Words Learned: ________________________________
Rating (out of 5 stars): ________________________________
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Procedures Activity 1: Book Talks: Students will receive an extra point for giving a book talk on their book. They will share a brief summary of their books, their favorite part, and why they would/would not recommend it to a friend. Activity 2: Students who have read 2 books off the list will be invited to eat snacks and discuss their books.
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Procedures: Activity 1: Classes will come to the library where students will form book club groups. These groups can discuss their books using a question template or can ask their own questions. Students who are not reading their books are invited to listen to gain interest in these books. Activity 2: Students who have read 4 books off the list will be invited to the library for a fun book scavenger hunt. Winning team will get an extra point.
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Book Club Questions
What was your favorite part of the book?
Which character did you relate to the most and why?
Was there a part of the story that you found confusing? Can you explain it to the group?
If you could change one thing about the book, what would it be?
Did the book teach you anything new? What did you learn?
Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not?
Were there any parts of the book that made you feel emotional? Which parts and why?
What was the most exciting part of the book for you?
Did you agree with the actions of the main characters? Why or why not?
If you could ask the author of the book one question, what would it be?
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Preparations Make sure author is confirmed for February event Create agenda for February author event Create agenda for costume party Print out books as posters Buy stickers for like/dislike activity Buy pizza drinks
Procedures: Activity1: Book Character Costume Party: Students will come dressed as their favorite character. Everyone will get a point for participating. Top 3 costumes will get an extra point. Books will be displayed on posters. Students who have read the books will be invited to participate in putting like/dislike stickers on the posters. Activity2: Students who have read 6 books will be invited to a pizza party in the library to chat about their favorite books.
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Promotions: Create flier, Advertise on school website and the school news program (if available) Email parents about family literacy night, post on social media/school website
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Procedures: Activity 1: Reading Trivia: Classes will be invited to the library. Classes will be grouped into teams of 4. Students who win the trivia game will be given 2 points to their overall score. Activity 2: Students will be invited to the library to skype with an author.
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Preparations Print out certificates Buy snacks/drinks Set up book displays with annotations Print out other book award lists Print out blank bookmarks, get markers, crayons, colored pencils, stickers Set up different station
Procedures: Host a Family Literacy Night: Celebrating Our Readers Announce the top readers for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. These readers will be given a medal to wear. Give all readers a certificate for reading. Take a picture of all readers and top readers to put on the library website. Sample Literacy Night Agenda: Introduction: Welcome families to the literacy night and thank them for their participation in the reading program. Explain that the purpose of the night is to celebrate the hard work and achievements of the top readers in the program and to promote a love of reading in families.
Activity 1: Invite top readers to come up to the front of the room. Present each top reader with a certificate and congratulate them on their achievement. Take a picture of them and put it on the school website. Ask each top reader to share a few words on their favorite book or what they enjoyed most about the program. Invite all readers who participated in the program to the front. Award them all with a certificate. Take a photo and put them on the school website.
Have stations for parents/students to explore: Sation 1: Book Exploration Set out books/annotations that students read for the reading program. Encourage families to browse the books. Set up another station with books from another Texas award lists so parents/readers can browse through them and see what they might be interested in next.
Station 2: Book Mark-Making Station Print out/cut some blank bookmarks templates Put out colored pencils, markers, stickers for readers to make their own bookmark.
Station 3: Snack Station Set up a station with water, juice, and fun reading themed snacks
Conclusion: Thank families for attending the literacy night Encourage families to continue reading and to participate in future reading programs Invite readers to check out any books that interest them
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Middle school reading incentive idea: State readings lists and celebrate reading day. (N.D.) Mrs.
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