Family Literacy Night Large 1
Family Literacy Night Family Literacy Night Bozman Intermediate Planning Pick a book for the read aloud Plan activities Plan on how many volunteers you will need to help supervise Plan door prizes Create a theme for literacy night Promotions: Create flier, Post flier to social media and send out in monthly parent information letter Preparations Books for all ages and reading levels Activities related to the books Snacks and drinks Buy books for door prizes Pick out books that show kindness Find/buy buckets for activity Procedures: Agenda: Welcome and Introduction (5 minutes) Book Read-Aloud (15 minutes) Activity Related to the book (20 minutes) Free Reading Time (30 minutes) Wrap and Conclusion (5 minutes) Welcome and Introduction: The librarian welcomes families and provides a brief overview of the night's activities.(Tonight’s theme is centered around the importance of kindness) Tonight you will explore books that teach empathy and kindness: books that ...